



Why Roastguide?

A cup of coffee changed a life, and that led to Roastguide. Our app brings the world of specialty coffee to your fingertips - helping you discover what's truly good, learn the art of brewing, and explore the rich landscape of coffee with every sip. The coffee world is a beautiful mess of endless options and minimal guidance. How is anyone supposed to navigate it? That's where we come in. Just as wine enthusiasts have Vivino and beer lovers have Untappd, coffee deserves its own digital home. With a simple photo of a coffee package, we unlock a world of information about roasts, flavor profiles, and brewing techniques. No more guesswork, just great coffee every time.

About the Founder

Our founder is a scrappy coder from Sweden, land of fika and endless summer nights, where coffee breaks are practically a religion. He fought his way from a modest background through top engineering programs and into the heart of the tech world. But his journey wasn't just about code. Numbers and metrics became his lifeline. They helped him climb out of depression, lose weight, and achieve better health. He started applying this data-driven approach to everything in his life. It made the complex simple, the opaque transparent. Then came the sip that changed everything. A colleague handed him a cup from an AeroPress. One taste, and his world tilted on its axis. The flavor was complex, vibrant, nothing like the bitter brews he'd known. It wasn't just coffee; it was an epiphany in liquid form. Suddenly, he was tumbling down the rabbit hole of specialty coffee. His vocabulary expanded with words like 'cupping' and 'micro-lot.' Names like Coffee Collective and The Barn became his new obsession. But as his passion grew, so did his frustration with the chaotic coffee market. That's when it hit him: Why not apply his love for metrics to this beautiful mess of a coffee world? Roastguide was born, built from the ground up - from the first pencil stroke to the final line of code. No outside investors, just pure caffeine-fueled determination.

The Future

Six months in, and we're already the world's largest coffee catalogue, featuring over 450 roasters. But this is just the beginning. We're not just an app; we're a platform for discovery, learning, and appreciating the craft behind every bean. We're committed to continuously improving, expanding our database, and refining features to serve the coffee community better. Our vision goes beyond better brews. Coming from a challenging background, we understand the transformative power of fair compensation. That's why we're committed to promoting sustainability and supporting farmers who make this passion possible. To everyone who's joined this journey - we're grateful. Your support fuels us through long coding sessions and countless cups of coffee. For those who want to be part of this coffee revolution, spreading the word and leaving a 5-star rating can make a difference. This is just the beginning. We're in it for the long haul, ready to keep growing and improving. Together, we can build a more informed, sustainable, and delicious coffee future. Here's to many more perfect brews ahead!

Roastguide logo

Specialty Coffee

Coffee App

Brewing Beans

Light and dark roast


V60, Chemex, AeroPress, Kalita, Syphon, French Press

Made in the Nordics

Humanized AB